
  1. 轉學生。
  2. 重考生。
  3. 重新申請入學之新生。
  4. 具備教育部認可之國內外公私立專科學校者(如二專、五專、二技等)。
  5. 依照法令規定准許先修讀學分後考取修讀學位者。
  6. 抵免作業於入學註冊當學期開學加退選週辦理。
  7. 為使抵免學分作業順利進行,請附上原修課程成績單課程大綱或其他佐證資料予開課教師審查簽名後交至通識中心。
  8. 相關說明請參考入學新生手冊。


  • 請至課程查詢系統查詢,通識中心四年內開設之課程始能抵免。
  • 登入iCan系統→左上角教務服務→申請專區→抵免申請。


General Education Credit Waivers

Students must meet the eligibility criteria to apply for general education credit waivers. The qualifications are as follows:

  • Transfer students.
  • Students retaking entrance exams.
  • Newly admitted students who have reapplied for admission.
  • Students from domestic or international public or private vocational schools recognized by the Ministry of Education (e.g., 2-year programs, 5-year programs, 2-year technical programs, etc.).
  • Students permitted by law to earn credits before obtaining a degree.

The waiver process is handled during the add/drop week of the first semester upon admission.
To ensure a smooth credit waiver process, please submit your original course transcript, course syllabus, or other supporting documents for review and approval by the course instructor, then deliver the signed documents to the General Education Center.
For more details, please refer to the Freshman Handbook.

Application for General Education Credit Waivers:

  • Check the course inquiry system to ensure that the course offered by the General Education Center within the last four years is eligible for waiver.
  • Log in to the iCan system → Upper left corner, Academic Services → Application Zone → Waiver Application.