The Deliberation Mechanism for TCU’s Four-Level Holistic Education Elective Curriculum
In accordance with the Tzu Chi University Curriculum Committee Organization Regulations, Tzu Chi University Lyceum of Humanities and Arts Curriculum Committee Establishment Guidelines, Tzu Chi University General Education Curriculum Planning Guidelines, and Tzu Chi University General Education Center General Education Curriculum Planning Group Establishment Guidelines, the deliberation mechanism for the university’s holistic education elective curriculum is divided into four levels:
- Teaching and Research Meeting: Convened at least once per semester.
- General Education Center Curriculum Committee: Convened at least once per semester.
- Lyceum of Humanities and Arts Curriculum Committee: Convened at least once per semester.
- University-Level Curriculum Committee: Convened at least once per semester.
According to the Tzu Chi University Guidelines for Offering General Education Courses, during the third week of each semester, the General Education Center issues an open call for course proposals based on the needs of various curriculum categories. Faculty members may submit course applications to the General Education Center according to their areas of expertise.
Course instructors are required to submit a “syllabus” and relevant academic qualifications to the General Education Center. These materials are reviewed by the General Education Curriculum Planning Groups for each curriculum category. The review ensures that the course’s educational objectives and core competencies align with the center’s and students’ needs. Reviewers must complete a “Course Review Feedback Form” to confirm the course’s alignment with these requirements. The General Education Center consolidates the feedback and provides it to the instructor, who must respond to the feedback accordingly.
Once the instructor’s responses have been reviewed, the center compiles the courses approved by the curriculum planning groups and submits them to the General Education Center Curriculum Committee for further evaluation.
After the General Education Center Curriculum Committee completes its review, the courses are submitted to the Lyceum of Humanities and Arts Curriculum Committee and the University-Level Curriculum Committee for final deliberation. Only after completing these steps can the courses be officially offered.